Neural on The Open Network

Introducing NEUTON,
powered by GPT-4o.

Bridging Web3 and AI.

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NEUTON is an AI infrastructure capable of training AI models, monetizing data, and providing access to powerful GPU’s.

It’s an advanced ecosystem of modular AI applications backed by The Open Network.

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Faster. Cheaper.
Infinitely Powerful.

Stake $NEUTON tokens and supercharge your earnings with NEUTON GPUs.

Mining GPU’s allows you to train AI models & get access to exclusive token rewards.

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The AI Neural for
The Open Network


    Leveraging The Open Network's infrastructure for efficient, cost-effective AI development.


    Stake $NEUTON tokens to access high-performance GPUs, unlocking rewards and computing power on The Open Network.


    As the AI Layer for The Open Network, NEUTON enables seamless integration of AI capabilities across all network applications.


    NEUTON serves as an AI Hub, offering a suite of tools for data monetization, advanced token utilities, and efficient mining on The Open Network.